Help a Star Foundation

Welcome to the Help a Star Foundation! The Help a Star Foundation is a non profit organization that conducts charity projects to make the world a better place. Please visit the Help a Star Foundation website to learn more about us and how to support us, our mission and our causes.


The mission of the Help A Star Foundation is one of development and progress. We provide support, through an array of approaches, to the children of the world in difficult circumstances, to ensure that they can achieve their full potential. We believe that it is through these efforts they will grow to become successful individuals in their home countries.


Help a Star envisions a world where every child can realize their dreams and live better lives.

The Help A Star Foundation was formed because there are children in need; we aim to be there lending a hand, providing an encouraging word, and letting them know that they are not alone.

We work to uplift and improve the lives of underprivileged children, with the hope of making a positive impact on the youth of the world.

Through our efforts we want to share knowledge and provide opportunities.

As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Our goal is not to think of problems but rather seek solutions; we are a small team of professionals, but our impact is large and our vision for the future is vast.

We hope that our work inspires others to join in this initiative and makes the world a better place.

Thus, our motto: “Enriching the lives of Youth.”

More information about the Help a Star Foundation

Please visit the Help a Star Foundation website or contact us to get more information about us and our goals. If you can please support us with our important mission. All the help is appreciated.

Links about Help a Star